The useReducer HookAs React pushes further and further into the realm of “adulthood” with regards to functioning on its own without Redux’s help, I wanted to…Nov 14, 2021Nov 14, 2021
How to Fail Technical Interviews or: How I Learned to Love the BombTech interviews are incredibly difficult. Showcasing hard skills in front of other people you’ve never met with a timer on feels like a…Nov 5, 2021Nov 5, 2021
A Brief Introduction to FlexboxThis past week I felt I needed to really understand the Flexbox Layout Module for my web applications because, for the most part, I had…Oct 22, 2021Oct 22, 2021
A Basic Understanding of useSelectorIn my journey through React Native via Udemy’s React Native tutorial, I came across a hook that I was not familiar with, useSelector. This…Oct 17, 2021Oct 17, 2021
StyleSheet and React NativeNow that I’m through my third week of learning React Native, I wanted my favorite part — styling. If you’re familiar with styling (coding…Oct 10, 2021Oct 10, 2021
Setup with Expo for React NativeThis past week I decided to dive head first into the React Native framework to learn more about building apps for iOS and Android devices…Oct 3, 2021Oct 3, 2021
Making Your First Github ContributionThis past week I wanted to learn about how to contribute to open source Github projects, however I didn’t really know where to begin…Sep 26, 2021Sep 26, 2021
React Hooks — useState and useEffectRecently I decided to dive deeper into the seemingly endless well of React. During my time at the Flatiron School bootcamp for full-stack…Sep 16, 2021Sep 16, 2021
Redux Middleware — “We Need the Thunk, Gotta Have the Thunk”Nobody likes a middleman. Why do I, someone who’s trying to get something done, have to traverse through another person or entity in order…Jul 28, 2021Jul 28, 2021
Everything in Its Right Place: Implementing a Search Feature in React/ReduxSearch features are almost a necessity at this point for contemporary web applications. Because of this, one would think that building out…Jul 18, 2021Jul 18, 2021